On-Demand Controls

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When to Use

Use on-demand controls for actions which directly relate to an element in a list or a grid, so they can be executed without selecting the element first (for example deleting or replying to an email right from the list).

How to Use

  • Don’t use on-demand controls as the only means to execute an action; they are only shortcuts.

  • Don’t use more than five (ideally not more than three) actions in on-demand controls. If you need more actions, choose a different command pattern.

  • Only use on-demand controls, if the actions are the same for each item.

  • Since the actions don’t have a label, don’t use the on-demand pattern, if the actions are not clearly identifiable.


Especially if only one action is available, it is often better to show the action directly or have the action as default on the item.


desktopicon Desktop

On-demand controls are shown when hovering over the item with the cursor. A handle can be added to enable touch screen support. As soon as the user taps anywhere else or the pointer is not any longer hovering the item, the on-demand controls are hiden again.

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On-demand controls are revealed by sliding a handle from right to left to reveal them. As soon as the user taps anywhere else, the handle is slid back.

For futher guidelines see list item.