
Pickers implement a pattern to select multiple items from a list of available choices. The main component only displays the selected items, and more items can be added by choosing them from a list or grid in a dialog or overlay.

In compairison to dual lists, they work well on desktop and mobile.


Picker in Language KCM

Use of a picker to select aditional languages.

When to Use

  • Use a picker for multiple selection and in case of large lists.

  • Don’t use it if both selected and unselected items need to be visible at once. Use a dual list instead.

  • Don’t use a picker to show data primarily.

  • If selection state needs to change often, think about using a list with checkboxes or similar instead.

How to Use

Using an overlay

Using an overlay to pick aditional items.

  • Use a grid or a list to display the selected elements.

  • Open a list of additional items to choose in an overlay sheet or a dialog.

  • Allow the user to select multiple items at once.

  • Use either an on-demand control or display a button to allow the user to deselect items.

  • If the list of selected items can be reordered, place up/down buttons to the right of the list of current items. Only enable the up/down buttons when an item is selected and can be moved.

  • Don’t have blank list items; use meta-options (e.g. “None”) instead.

  • Place options that represent general options (e.g. “All”, “None”) at the beginning of the list.

  • Sort list items in a logical order. Alphabetical sorting should be able to change when the text is translated.

  • If the lists or grids appear in a dialog, consider making the window and the lists or grids within it resizeable so that the user can choose how many list items are visible at a time without scrolling.

  • Use sentence style capitalization for items.